1. To Create and Develop Good will cooperation and friendship among all members and to secure peaceful solidarity and wok minded to achieve social and educational objects.
2. To work for the development of Agriculture like Credit, Extension and Training Horticulture, Waste land Development, Water management and soil conservation.
3. To work for the awareness generation on like Drug abuse prevention of harmful drugs and Social Animators training and eradication of social evils.
4. To create and development good will among all the sections of under privileged, depressed and suffering masses to service collective participation in development processes, peace, solidarity and national integration.
5. To run or maintain literacy promoting activities through libraries, news letters, educational kits and cultural skills etc., to aware messes about the danger of HIV/STD/AIDS to disseminate information about the AIDS.
6. To secure Co-operation sympathy and support from all the like minded institutions agencies, departments at state and national and international level for the proportional of public assistances funds for developmental activities.
7. To undertake socio-economic services periodically and promote skill, improvement training centre marketing promotion training centres occasional training for various sections of the people, identify below poverty lines.
8. To work for eradication of caste and class division in the society and motivate the youngsters for casteless social reform marriages.
9. To promote educational counselling and tutoring services for the children of depress families and prepare them for appearing in competitive examinations.
10. To promote health and nutritious food habit and for betterment health conditions amount the weaker sections and depressed through medical and health care training services.
11. To plan and promote effective per capital income raising projects or programmes enabling the preveries effected groups to raise their per capita income and lead socially justified line.
12. To render mother and child care programmes, income generating programmes, skill improvement programmes and relevant development activities for the integrated development of the women and children exploited by evil social practices, customs and religious practices.
13. To mobilise, motivate and promote depressed women, organisations or movements of their justified rights through legal aid and educational camps, consultations and workshops, etc.,
14. To conduct occasional studies trainings, consultations work shops and seminars on national and public interest issued such as environment social deforestation, women exploitation, child labour, land agricultural labours etc., for a collective opinion and mass educational purposes.
15. To raise funds on resources for the effective implementations for the objectives of society through beneficial shows, donations from individuals and institutions in India and abroad.
16. To rescue people from natural calamities and acts of nature like cyclone, floods drought, constructions of houses from cyclone effected areas and rehabilitation of cyclone victims.
17. To put at must efforts and uplift the depressed classes and coordinate scheduled castes, tribes and weaker section of the society.
18. To utilize, unwanted waste land by organising cooperative farming and agricultural dairy, development shall cottage industries and such other allied programmes to create employment for the depressed classes.
19. To enlarge youth and students who are future pillars of the nation for coordinating and contributing their spare time for the purpose of social worker and around development.
20. To mobilize small contributions affordable class in converting the funds such collected into corpus funds of the society.
21. To provide legal aid and assistance for genuine depressed classes and weaker sections.
22. Reader financial assistance to depressed classes preferably rural population by sanctioning loans grants extending subsidies etc.,
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